Avec le soutien des projets européens netCommons (réseaux internet citoyens en tant que biens communs) et Nextleap (protocoles pour le chiffrement et la vie privée)
ce lundi 29 janvier 2018, de 18h à 20h, à l’Institut de recherche et d’innovation, Salle Triangle, Centre Beaubourg, Paris 4e
séminaire (en anglais) sur les stratégies des infrastructures Internet alternatives.
What strategy for Alternative Internets?
netCommons and NextLeap, two EU-funded research project working on alternative networks and encryption, are convening a discussion on alternative Internet infrastructures.
Many groups across the world are trying to build technical infrastructures, be they telecom networks, access provision services or hosting and other online services, that foster decentralization and defend human rights. In that respect, they build “alternative Internets” that embody spaces of autonomy and resistance to hegemonic players in the digital realm. In this workshop, we are gathering activist and researchers to discuss the state of play, reflect on the success and failures of the “alternet movement” and lay out strategies that can help it grow and flourish in the coming years.